ISS "S/t" 7" greatest band of 2010's!!!

ISS "S/t" 7" greatest band of 2010's!!!


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THEY Cant Be Stopped! 2 of my favorite minds. of these guys so much and which i could teleport to hang out with them at least once a week. We almost had Eddie in Atlanta then some fucker stole his car and that was it. They shoulda been bigger than the Beatles. References to my favorite music need this before any new chain core or slime wave...Adults can still punk and really well at that. "Armchair Arayan: Richard Spencer's Gifts" aint getting a better title than that this year MRR. Call the Grammy's....For the unitiated....ISS should be on tour with Geto Boys, Seaford Mods, Mark E. Smith's ghost and the California Raisins. yeah boyyyyyyyyy.

Also Daniel, I hope one day there will be a Sorry State Laughter release!